Me in 1998
Me in 2000 (my master's desktop background!)
Play Sound Greeting
"... a man cannot possibly know anything about women until he has owned a girl poodle."- The Book of the Poodle by T.H. Tracy
Hi! My name is Berry's Copper Top, but call me "Heather." I am an Apricot colored Standard Poodle and nearly 2 feet high at my shoulder. My pedagree contains "Lidos," "Torbec," and "Shangri la" kennels bloodlines. I was photographed for Dog Fancy when I was only one year old while I still lived at Berry's Kennels. The pictures of me appeared in the April 1998 Issue. In Oct. 1996 Robert N. Clarkson adopted me. In May 1997 my new vet discovered my blood was being effected by my female hormones so they decided to spay me. I already had 2 litters of puppies, so I have lots of grand kids.
Also I just adopted a puppy CHARLIE! He came to live with me November 8, 2002 and, WOW! He is certainly a handful for my master and me, but he is really cute and fun! I'm so proud that Charlie was awarded a (2nd place) reserve group at his very first AKC dog show.
I passed my AKC Canine Good Citizen Test the first time I tried it and I was in training for my Companion Dog (an American Kennel Club Obedience Trial Title) until the local kennel club leaders decided to concentrate on Agility Training and Agility Trials instead of obedience. I know I could have achieved the CD and CDX titles if my master would take the time off to drive hundreds of miles to other states and compete in other club's Obedience Trials, but I don't really care about it because I do hate to take long overnight trips in strange places and my master has been very busy around here with his work.
I like walking around my neighborhood because I always get to see my friends. My K-9 friends include Lizzie, The Bassett next door. I like to take my daily walks with a Canadian Greywolf, Shaka, who is three times as big as I am. He lives down the street with Cyra. Boots is an apricot standard poodle who lives down the block and I sometimes get to play with her in her yard. There also are 2 spaniels living about three blocks away that I get to rough house with when they are outside in their yard. All my old friends moved, but as you can see I have made new ones. I also like to walk in the evenings and see the deer and squirrels in the yards around the neighborhood. We are all great friends.
Standard poodles, like me, like to take long walks everyday, swim, and play catch. I love to run and play with leather gloves. I also like to sleep on my master's bed and watch TV at night.
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Previously my master owned 2 other
standard poodles; His first was Jerry, Maxmillin's Jeremiah,
a retired show dog who lived to be 16 years 7 months old. Next
was April, a pure white standard poodle who had been
abandoned in the valley and impounded at the shelter. She was
only with him for 11 months when she suddenly got sick and died.
Poodles are noted for physical endurance, intelligence, and an affectionate trusting nature. They were originally bred in Germany and Russia during the early 16th century as hunting dogs. Their special hair cut was developed to protect their joints from arthritis and help them while swimming. The pom on their tails was designed to be like a float so the hunters in boats could see where their dogs were swimming and diving after ducks and swans. So the hunters would not aim near their dogs with their arrows or spears.
Standard poodles are large dogs, from 15 inches up to over
3 feet at their shoulder, and, unlike many other dog breeds, they
are high maintenance animals and need extra special care in
addition to lots of love and companionship.
Mostly Poodle Pages
Heather's Links Page
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